I never thought I would say this, but over the last six weeks I have found myself increasingly in the position of experiencing a mild form of writer's block, or bloggers block as I have named it above. To be fair, I am extremely busy at work and that never helps, but I do find myself making a few rough notes on perfumes I have tried, or making mental notes of things I want to say, then when I sit down at the computer, I simply feel no compelling inspiration to type. It's more a form of procrastination than a block really, as all the ideas are there in my head. I hope it passes, because I do love blogging and am still very interested in perfume and trying lots of perfume, to be honest.
This week was mostly about trying some of my older samples. One that caught my attention in particular was Diptyque's Philosykos, possibly the best fig fragrance I know, in my opinion. Actually, I am not generally a massive fan of fig in perfume. I don't mind it, but it doesn't move me like some other styles do. Having said that, I do love Philosykos and with Tam Dao, it is my favourite in the Diptyque line. I think what I like is that the fig smells like fig to me. The whole tree, not just the fruit or the milky sap. It starts quite milky green, then gets a touch 'fruitier' and finally mellows to a woodiness that is suffused with subtle fig notes. A masterpiece in my opinion.
Another thing I have been doing a lot more of recently is giving away samples to friends. Not bloggers who live in other countries, but just my ordinary, every day friends, many of whom are not at all fanatical about fragrance. It's also a way of culling my ever-growing collection of samples, which is wholly unmanageable now. My drawers at work are overflowing with samples, and these days I do not have any idea what is in my collection. I mean, I do have a general idea, but it is a hazy recollection at best!
What I'd be interested in hearing from you, dear perfume bloggers, is whether any of you have experienced a period of bloggers block, and secondly, whether you also like giving away samples to friends and family, even if they aren't massive fans of perfume.
Have a good weekend all, and wherever you are, I hope it is sunny and fragrance-filled!