Some of you may recall that a few weeks ago I wrote about my desire to try a few perfumes by Indie perfumers, here. Since then, a very kind and generous lady, Carol, offered to send me some samples she had. I'm sure a lot of you already know of Carol (Waft blog), but in case you don't her perfume blog and fragrance boutique can be found here, and here respectively.
I knew the package was on its way, but as we've had some severe postal delays in the UK as a result of the severe snowy weather recently, I wasn't sure if it would arrive before Christmas. In any event, when I arrived home last night, lo and behold there was the package in the hall. Hurray!
I'm really excited about trying these, as I've literally not encountered any of them before, so it is a unique experience for me. I'm approaching these samples with no preconceived ideas and am looking forward to writing about some of them over the next few weeks.
I won't mention individual perfumes, but some of the perfumers include:
- Dawn Spencer Hurwitz
- Ayala Moriel
- I Profumi di Firenze
- Roxana Villa
- Bruno Acampora
- Amanda Feeley
- Laurie Stern
I'd just like to say a special thanks to Carol again.
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