But slowly catching up. This weekend I bought a DVD box set of the first four seasons of Mad Men from HMV, marked down quite considerably. Now this is nothing remarkable in itself, but I've heard and read about this TV series for a long time now, which has gained excellent reviews and won awards left right and centre. As always, I am slow to catch up. When Mad Men came to the UK, it was on TV at a very strange time, at least to me, around 10.30pm. Now this may not be late for some people, but I'm not inclined to start watching TV at that time of night, so I never got into the series at all.
Now that I have the box set, I shall watch this at my leisure, and hopefully it will turn out to be as engrossing as everyone makes it out to be.
Today was a lovely day in the UK - sunny and warm, but with enough signs of autumn to know that we need to make the most of what is left of the good weather. My family went to a local pick-your-own fruit farm this afternoon. We collected about sixty apples, varying from Russets to Cox to cooking apples like Bramleys. I must post a few pictures soon - the colours ranged from brown to orange to red, all tinged with green. To me apple picking is a true sign that autumn is here and I can't wait to make a crumble or two!