It was our 11th wedding anniversary last Friday, the 9th. I always get a vague sense of panic whenever a birthday, Christmas or an anniversary approaches in our household. After 11 years of marriage, I find it increasingly difficult to find a suitable present for my wife. In fairness, she has made it easier for me in recent years, as she loves knitting and has got into it in a big way. This means plenty of knitting-related ideas, but like with all things in life, one can go too far...
So this year I ended up buying my wife a bottle of Love Chloe. Now, perfumistas among you may thing this is a fairly boring and safe choice, but actually, I quite like Love Chloe. It reminds me a lot of the style of Chanel, with plenty of aldehydes, a slight aloofness of iris, and a buttery, almost creamy undertone that hints at smooth and supple leather. Plus, my wife loves it and has hinted for a while that it is on her radar.
Personally, I think I could have done a lot worse.